SQL Functions

Data Connect’s SQL dialect has been selected for compatibility with current major open source database platforms including Trino, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, and BigQuery. There are occasional name or signature differences, but a Data Connect implementation atop any of the major database platforms should be able to pass through queries that use the functions listed below with only minor tweaks.

The functions below are a subset of those available in Trino 341. In a conformant Data Connect implementation, these functions must behave according to the Trino documentation. To assist with implementations directly on other database platforms, the Trino Functions Support Matrix captures the differences between platforms in granular detail.

Be aware of different quotation (') syntax requirements between MySQL and PostgreSQL. BigQuery does not support the +/- operators for dates. Convenience methods could be replaced with EXTRACT().

Note: Arrays are mostly absent in MySQL * Array Subscript Operator: [] * Array Concatenation Operator: || * concat(array1, array2, ..., arrayN)array * cardinality(x)bigint*