Install Clients

Installing Client Libraries

Data Connect has client libraries for R and Python, as well as a command-line interface. We’ll be using these client libraries in the following examples.

# Installing the client library form PyPi
pip install search-python-client
# Installing from Github
pip install git+ --no-cache-dir
# Setup devtools
dir.create(path = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
install.packages("devtools", lib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), repos = "")
# installing the R client

This CLI requires Java 11+ on your system

curl > search-cli
chmod +x search-cli
mv search-cli /usr/local/bin # (somewhere on your path)
search-cli --version

You should see:

tables-api-cli Version : 1.0-0.2.1-55-gc484f8b